Black Empowerment


  • We subscribe to the Codes of Good Practice issued by the DTI.

  • We also subscribe to the Property Sector Charter.

BEE Certificate

  • Posterity is measured as an Exempted Micro Enterprise.

  • We are a Level 2 Contributor with a recognition level of 125%.


Posterity Capital is 100% black owned.

Employment Equity

  • Posterity is committed to maintaining a workforce which broadly reflects the community in which it operates.

  • Employees are treated equally and fairly.

  • Employees are remunerated based on formal qualifications, relevant experience and performance.

Preferential Procurement

Most of Posterity’s discretionary spending is with verified organisations and excluded suppliers.

Enterprise Development

  • We take pride in assisting individuals or small companies offering services to us.

  • We do this by assisting them to formalise their quotes, allowing them to buy materials on Posterity’s account and paying for services in time to alleviate cashflow problems.

  • The objective is to equip these small business individuals so they can provide similar services to other clients and customers in an independent and professional manner.

Social Responsibility

  • We embrace the need to assist those less fortunate in our communities.

  • Posterity has 600 students as tenants in one of its properties, most of who come from previously disadvantaged communities and backgrounds.

  • Accordingly most of our social responsibility initiatives are directed at funding resident student activities.

  • Outside of this preference is given to projects that seek to improve the welfare of previously disadvantaged individuals.